Re: Various items

As I've already provided free advice to 'the other guys' regarding the PR effects of counter-Divine Will maneuverings, there only appear to be a few items to address at the moment.

They appear to be implying a covert faux-effort to present the semblance of a resistance effort which 'actually' isn't.  Along with this, the notion of counter-Divine Will symbolism being used to depict it.  Such an implication is of course less than convincing.

It would be tempting to say that the 'real' reason they've been using counter-Divine Will imagery and symbolism is as a deliberate nullifier, a sort of notification of insincerity, which ostensibly has enabled them to imply all manner of things and positions which they don't truly mean, understanding Divine Will principles as the principals pro tem do here.  I say it would be tempting because this has been ongoing from them for years.  But that conclusion would be to suggest that there's genuinely a 'real' reason for all manner of counter-Divine Will symbolism and imagery in the first place, which of course there isn't.  Just as there was never a genuine, sincere motivation for the telepaths and propheciers to manifestly invest in a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position, as Choosing such a position is of course in keeping with neither.

I should probably also add that the idea of their deliberately generating negative PR for themselves, and then utilizing that 'certain other party' or indeed any faux-organization in alignment with their manifestly Chosen counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position is of course less than worthy, less than righteous, and less than acceptable to Me.  For the record it's also less than worthy of them, given that they have a Divinely-conferred True Nature which is nothing less than magnificent and benevolent despite their manifest ongoing Choice to reject it.

Emotionally-loaded invectives and other forms of disrespect, all of course on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis, appears to be a recent trend from 'the other guys'.  Or rather an increase in them; the trend had been ongoing for at least the last several years and then with particular emphasis on Trump.  As with practically anything on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis it's been the disparity between that and the worthiness of their True Nature which has been causing, and covertly indicating, the sort of PR effects I'd been describing.  Beyond that, and I suppose manifesting unworthy scenarios for themselves and others to encounter, they of course have been neither here nor there.  This is because they're representative of neither Divine Will nor their own True Nature, and because it's been their manifest and ongoing Choice to reject both which have been the manifest cause.  That is to say, these people would have been fine if they'd only been Choosing on a basis of Divine Will and their own True Nature, and their manifest Choice to act against them both is their manifest Choice not to be fine.

Where Divine Will and the resulting metaphysical rules of physics which I've been terming 'Divine Will principles' are the foundation and the absolute constants of Creation, investments or 'Choices' counter to that perfection [i.e., "imagination" in the Jesuit and Babylonian context] are investments or Choices to manifest imperfection.  And as we all know or should know by now, Choices inevitably manifest their effects much more upon the Chooser than the supposed external subject of them.

Which makes this again a good juncture to encourage 'the other guys' to Choose to align with Divine Will and their own True Nature.  The pseudo-organizations, inherently unreal things similar to corporations which have no actual form of their own, have illegitimatized themselves but the personnel comprising them can still at present invest in worthy Choices - whatever to the contrary, credibility voided out by a counter-Divine Will basis, the telepaths and propheciers have been implying.  All that manifestly continuing to invest in pseudo-organizations acting against the public interest will do is, well, manifest unworthy agendas which are against the public interest.  That and manifestly make those investors, those Choosers, joint holders in a phenomenal amount of kharmic liability.  It would be pretty silly to knowingly, Willfully and avoidably engineer and build a device that did something you didn't want it to do, yet here we manifestly are.

Self-evidently, implying and doing things which are counter to what you actually want and mean, and then symbolically 'voiding out' the meaning with counter-Divine Will symbolism and imagery, is of course no substitute for actually saying and doing what you genuinely mean.  Nor is it as worthy as a mode of living, nor in its manifest results.  The recent international 'news' would seem to exemplify this concept admirably.  I could go on, 'What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, but [manifestly] lose his soul' and so on, but it seems unnecessary to belabor a literal 'point' that's presumably self-evident to all involved.

Given that, it seems "absurd" to Me for anyone to invest in the sort of Choices and covert objectives we've been encountering in recent 'news', let alone for seemingly nearly everyone to invest in them.  And certainly for any organization or pseudo-organization which makes a priority of 'sustainability'.  To reiterate, My Will is for the alignment of these people their successors, and the People generally, with Divine Will and their own True Nature.  Choosing in abject conflict with that Will is not the Choice to serve My Will.  The manifest resultants, due to Divine Will principles, will presumably serve My Will due to the inherent conflict with Divine Will and their own True Nature.  But that of course is a benefit provided by Divine Will and the founding principles of Creation which it has conferred to us, and not the doing of Myself nor of manifestly counter-Divine Will Choices by 'the other guys'.

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