Manifest limitations (weakness, lack of information, etc.) may partially indemnify people for their part in 'suckage', but the 'suckage' itself is still unjustifiable
Divine Will begets True Nature
True Nature is a constant and is naturally in alignment with Divine Will
Self-evidently, nobody's self-worth [of their True Nature] is ever up for debate, though their manifest positions often are
The ego is a misperception of the True Nature
Restoring manifest perfection involves dispelling our misperceptions about our True Nature and recognizing our alignment with Divine Will
Globalism's efforts have been to increase those misperceptions, use them to manifest imperfect, hindered circumstances incapable of resistance
Globalism is therefore based on a position of 'suckage' and counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature which is unjustifiable and illegitimate
True Nature begets our True Will
Since it derives from our True Nature and Divine Will, that True Will is naturally for things that are quite healthy and manifest perfection
The desires of the ego [a misperception of our True Nature] are not our true Will and typically are disharmonious with True Nature, Divine Will, and manifest 'suckage'
Because they're misaligned with our True Nature, they'll never truly be 'desirable' or worthy of us. You can't truly want what isn't your True Will
As such, any investment of Will in something that's not in alignment with our True Will is superficial, and is always accompanied by a greater investment of Will to dispel it - whether we consciously know this or not
Because it derives from Divine Will, investments of our Will manifest resultants
Those resultants are only as satisfying as their alignment with our True Nature and Divine Will
Investments of Will out of alignment manifest 'sucky' results, but those results are necessarily precluded by Divine Will
Divine Will does not permit 'sucky' manifestations to persist [they're in direct conflict] and will dispel them retroactively
Only the perfect, True State of Creation is objectively real
Everything real in an absolute, eternal, objective sense derived from a flow of authority from Divine Will
'Everything else', ie 'suckage', manifested outside that flow of authority and while manifest is in conflict with it
'Tulpas', a Tibettan concept for thoughtforms made solid, clearly show us that the Will can manifest physical things and that tangible reality isn't absolute necessarily reality; 'seeing is not believing'
The more in conflict with Divine Will and True Nature something manifestly is, the less legitimate [and viable] it is
Thus, those who know this will eschew it and refuse to invest in the agendas to manifest it
Those who do not, display their lack of understanding of Divine Will principles
When they do not, they place themselves in an unworthy position by [temporarily] manifesting unworthy scenarios for themselves and others
Temporary, unworthy manifestations are like ‘wallpaper’, superficially 'covering over' our experience of the True State of Creation. They do not and cannot affect the actual substance
These unworthy manifestations can be dispelled by investing in the True Nature of whatever it's 'covering over', and by aligning with, affirming and upholding Divine Will principles
Every unworthy manifestation is predicated on a position that's in error with regard to Divine Will principles somewhere
Resultingly, every unworthy manifestation has flaws which can be corrected or, if necessary, exploited to dispel it and replace it with something more worthwhile
Since our True Nature is aligned with the Divine Will for perfection, a component of our True Nature is the duty to correct or dispel unworthy manifestations which generate experiences of 'suckage'; by divestment in counter-Divine Will agendas, investment in Divine Will-aligned agendas, education, and if necessary exploiting those inherent flaws to dismantle unworthy manifestations which are at odds with Divine Will and our own True Natures
All of those things should be done as part of an investment of our Will to affirm both Divine Will and our own True Nature
All of those things should be done with a clear recognition that the unworthy manifestations do not truly exist in an absolute, eternal sense
[This helps ourselves and others affirm What Is, rather than investing our own Will in silliness]
Every moment, we're making a Choice - a Choice is an investment in an act of Will
Every Choice we make is a 'statement' about what we believe is important to us and thus, an investment in what we believe that we are
Those investments are either in alignment with our True Nature and thus Divine Will, or a misperception of our nature
Either way, all investments of Will beget manifest resultants
Investing in an act of Divine Will and True Nature requires Choosing in 'good faith' to align with, affirm and uphold that basis to the best of ones' honest ability
Acts of Will which passively enable counter-Divine Will positions are no better than acts of Will which actively enable them; both are investments in disharmony with both Divine Will and our True Nature
Choices are by definition knowing, Willful and avoidable in order to qualify as Choices
Our 'saving grace' is that there is no true dualism; no actual opposite to Divine Will
Investments in some kind of 'opposite to Divine Will' are, therefore, unavoidably silly
While someone is manifestly investing themselves in Choices which are contrary to Divine Will and their Divinely-conferred True Nature, they’re also by definition on an unworthy, non-credible, untrustworthy basis