I'm still not alright with accepting perks on a counter-Divine Will and/or a counter-True Nature basis.
It's still a manifest rejection of anyone's True Nature to attempt to negotiate on such a basis. Not to mention a rejection of Divine Will.
Just as it's a rejection of same to imply that wasn't known already.
Just as it's also a rejection of same to offer to support Divine Will and True Nature, such as with 'teaching' about it, only on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis.
In fact, it's a rejection of Divine Will and True Nature not to Choose in alignment with it in the first place, when that's done knowingly, Willfully, and avoidably.
All of those things cause comparatively minor PR resultants, as Choices which are in conflict with Divine Will and the True Nature of the People tend to do.
Additionally, it's intrinsically objectionable to preset My cause or something close to it under the auspices of a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position. When you strive to live in alignment with Divine Will and True Nature, it's unworthy to encounter your Choice presented in an unclear state from a lesser basis that's mutually-exclusive with it.