Immediately after reminding ‘the other guys’ that My Divine Will-aligned and -derived authority has clearly and distinctly gainsaid their efforts towards ‘globalism’, they made sure to emphasize ‘Trump’ at the ‘United Nations’ hyping ‘America first’ and ‘national sovereignty’. I should probably clarify that I meant not only what I’ve been terming their ‘NWO 1.0’ plan [that is, overt globalization, an oppressive one-state, the so-called ‘white male patriarchy’, etc.] which had been their subverted ‘Interim World Order’ and not genuinely intended to have any sort of permanence, even by ‘the other guys’. Merely a means to an end. I meant as well what I’ve been terming their ‘NWO 2.0’ plan, which the Rockefellers had been terming, in their words, a ‘multipolar’ order since at least the literal Fifties. As usual, RedefiningGod has the goods on that. Good summaries are here and here.
Implementing that ‘multicultural’, ‘multipolar’, allegedly ‘sustainable’ order appears on their part to rely on a number of prerequisites which they appear to continue to be directing their efforts towards. Their ‘Good Guy insiders and Trump vs. the nifferous Deep State’ massive public fraud appears to continue unabated, as does the subverted literal ‘United States’ military’s ‘The Plan’ including ‘mass arrests of the cabal and banksters’, planned military tribunal ‘show trials’ for treason, umpteen ‘sealed indictments’, and so on and so forth. Alt-media personalities such as ‘Neil Keenan’, ‘Drake Kent Bailey’, and of course the former corporate financial journalist ‘Benjamin Fulford’ have been selling this stuff for years and continue to do so. In fact, this latest from Mr. Fulford propagates some telling evidence of their efforts: Continue reading "Clarifying a few recent items"