The apostates seem to manifestly be implying that I’ve lapsed on Divine Will standards in My ‘How Rome and Babylon subvert organizations’ informational. It’s not immediately clear whether or not their objection is sincere and given that it’s both non-overt and on a knowing, Willful and avoidable counter-Divine Will basis that likely won’t become much clearer while they continue to Choose such a basis, so I’m left without much of a means of ascertaining that. The People however are likely to miss the reasoning themselves, and so it makes good sense for Me to present it for their benefit.
The implied objection seems to concern the apostate s█ng lyrics I’ve included in that informational. As I’ve described elsewhere, “m█sic” is something which their system of symbolism categorizes under their “Aphrod█te” idol and as such becomes a symbol indicating a counter-Divine Will basis which should ordinarily be avoided unless one is Choosing a counter-Divine Will basis themselves.
It would of course be a simple matter to just remove the lyr█cs cite there and have done with it. But the resultants of setting a precedent like that would get bigger rather quickly, for reasons I’ll describe momentarily, and as such this appears to be one of a few rare instances where the phrase, ‘It’s the principle of the thing’ does in fact genuinely mean exactly that.
I’ll present the reasoning and Divine Will principles involved, and the People can decide for themselves on a common sense basis.
Having presented an international entertainment media as being nothing more than something to provide recreation and entertainment for the People, the apostate system has instead manifestly been using it to coordinate subversion, treason and espi█nage, and to organize a massive non-overt effort to get the People onto a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis. So we can add ‘massive systematic public fraud’ to their manifest repertoire there. As the subversion manifestly took increasing effect, the quality of said media as a source of recreation and entertainment has diminished immensely, and from a Divine Will-aligned perspective about the only thing it’s good for is typically as an ongoing public record of evidence of their efforts and the system of non-overt symbolism which they’ve used to organize it.
When they professed loyalty to Me [and to Divine Will for that matter], the telepaths and propheciers demonstrated that said loyalty included consistent instruction, benevolence and support from them via [among other things] said media. They’ve long since manifestly reneged on this, but the commitment was nevertheless made. So it’s an important and salient fact that what’s presented in the media has already been committed to My use in upholding and promoting Divine Will and True Nature. Although the fact is not the crux of the reasoning here, it remains significant and worth remembering. As things manifestly are, what’s been coming out of said media has demonstrated a knowing, Willful, avoidable, systematic and ongoing rejection of both Divine Will and True Nature, and My authority. So there again, essentially the only thing it’s particularly useful for is as evidence.
Here’s where things get interesting. It’s unarguably the Will of our Creator to have a fair situation. Justice is merely systematized fairness. So it’s Divine Will, and it should be our Will if we’re in alignment with Divine Will, to manifest genuine justice.
But the apostate system manifestly has a protocol of non-overt symbolism that asserts that to mention certain things becomes a signifier of a counter-Divine Will position, and that even if someone doesn’t accept that, a rejection of a standard to maintain a clear distinction of their own position results in a scenario of Chosen low standards in which their cause never can succeed. And to a great extent the reasoning and metaphysics there is sound and valid. So much so that it’s become regarded as a truism, and it’s been applied without much thought in situations where it doesn’t actually seem to apply on more careful evaluation.
I’ll supply a parallel example: In modern times we’re all manifestly familiar with the rampant marauding of many of the apostate system’s major corporations. Justice would require that to be addressed with due process [if of course the apostate system hadn’t manifestly removed the legitimate courts before any of us were ever born]. But with the apostate system’s use of proper names of corporations apparently signifying a counter-Divine Will basis [via their “br█nding” symbol, a derivative of their “f█re” elemental symbol], it would seem that the apostate system has manifestly concocted a scenario in which nobody is able to name those in a court case without being misconstrued as having Chosen a counter-Divine Will basis and thus forfeiting any legitimacy, as well as any legitimate claim to justice.
The situation here is much the same thing. Justice and truth are properties of Divine Will, and manifesting those requires exposure of the apostate system and its methods. The result of the apostate system manifestly having Chosen to abscond with, among other things, our whole legitimate court system means that I’m left without the option to merely take them into a legitimate court of law and resolve the matter with them there. My options are to abandon truth and justice, seek recourse while abandoning their [Divine Will-bestowed and now manifestly forfeit] claim to the right of due process, or to Choose to resolve the matter with truth, justice and due process with a heck of a lot more effort on My part by first exposing the apostate system and its methods to the People and using that to motivate them to restore the courts and resolve it there once legitimate courts again become available.
That is, to make the case in open court it seems I must first make the case in the court of public opinion.
Making that case directly to the People requires, like any case would, evidence. And due to the manifest Choices of those in the apostate system, that evidence abounds in public record via the media they’ve partly established and partly subverted and coopted.
Therefore, upholding Divine Will does seem to require presenting and explaining for the benefit of the People what those in the apostate system have manifestly placed there, in order to expose the various strategies and efforts and motivate the People for truth, justice and due process.
Arguing that such evidence is inadmissible without abandoning a Divine Will-aligned position, and thus a valid and legitimate basis, appears to be yet another of those ‘no win’ scenarios that those manifestly Choosing a counter-Divine Will position frequently concoct specifically because they’re Choosing such a basis. Humanity would be in quite a fine predicament if people weren’t able to expose wrongdoing without being themselves accused of that very wrongdoing for their efforts. To argue for such a scenario would be to argue for injustice and untruth, in sum for a counter-Divine Will situation, which is of course incidentally the very basis which the apostate system has manifestly been knowingly, Willfully, avoidably and systematically Choosing. Coincidences abound, I suppose.
As such the concern the apostate system has at least appeared to manifestly argue for implicitly becomes, on closer examination, an argument for injustice, untruth and a counter-Divine Will basis. Likely not something on which their system is advised to put their full weight, at least not if they intend to make a presentation of truth, fairness, stability and eventually Divine Will on their part as elements of their ‘sustainability’ agenda.
Incidentally, to the best of My understanding the reasoning I’ve presented is precisely the sort of reasoning that was used when common law emerged and was perfected. The concept was that rights derive from Divine Will as the result of duties imposed upon us by our Creator. ‘The right to freedom of speech’ for example as the result of the duty to know when to speak, how to speak, and when not to. ‘The right to due process’ as part of that, ‘Love thy neighbor’ philosophy, as well as respecting your neighbor and interacting with him on a basis of dignity because he too was made in the image of our Creator. [That becomes increasingly manifestly impractical as some knowingly, Willfully and avoidably Choose to reject both Divine Will and their own True Nature, but I strive to err towards charity. Besides, their True Nature remains even as they Choose not to live it out; it’s their manifestly-Chosen basis that’s in error, not their True Nature.] So to the People: When you evaluate who has what rights as deriving from who has what duties to Divine Will and why, this equips you to accurately determine when something is proper or improper practice regardless of how much the subversion by the apostate system has attempted to leave us without a Divine Will-aligned system of reckoning. It enables you to critically evaluate whether a commonly-accepted bit of reasoning has been overapplied in some instances. And that equips you to live in accordance with Divine Will on your own recognizance, which is the freedom [while upholding righteousness] that our Creator provides us.
In sum: When something is a duty required by Divine Will and True Nature, accusations of counter-Divine Will basis don’t pass the standard ‘knowing, Willful and avoidable’ criteria because to avoid fulfilling that duty would be a Choice to reject Divine Will and True Nature. Counter-Divine Will symbolism is still to be eschewed when possible, but ’The law does not require the impossible’. If there were a means of avoiding it utterly in the course of presenting the evidence for a cause of truth and justice which Divine Will and our True Nature demand of us, I’d certainly be Willing to hear that out. As the vast majority of humanity are manifestly Choosing a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis ‘knowingly, Willfully and avoidably’ that doesn’t afford Me with many sources to heed, as modifying My approach on the advice of those manifestly Choosing an inherently non-credible basis with no guaranteed sincerity nor benevolence surely couldn’t end well. As the entire apostate system organizationally, and everyone Choosing it including the telepaths and propheciers, are manifestly on a ‘knowing, Willful and avoidable’ basis of lesser standards than Mine, I suppose I’ll have to hear from them on this whenever they Choose retroactively to equal or exceed My own Divine Will and True Nature-aligned standards. As I’ve made clear throughout these communiqués, in terms of legitimacy, standards and Divine Will alignment this scenario ’is Mine to lose’.