Re: An implied request for clarity

Again on a manifestly non-credible counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis, the apostate system appears to have non-overtly implied some manner of offer recently.

They then appear to have implied that they’re seeking ‘clarity’ from Me about it.

I suspect I’ve already provided it numerous times through the literal years of these communiqués.

I manifestly Choose a Divine Will and True Nature-aligned basis. As such, all presentments made to Me on a knowingly, Willfully and avoidably counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis are summarily rejected. They don’t even need to ask.

They’re also unworthy, unreliable, offensive, and manifestly contribute to increasing dissonance between them and Myself. I’ve already manifestly objected to them continuing to make them. Efforts on their part and Mine are much better spent applied to agendas which are in alignment with Divine Will and True Nature.

I’m not fully clear on what specifically they’ve manifestly invested in implying on this particular occasion. It doesn’t particularly interest Me either, given the basis. I’ve been striving diligently to avoid forming the conclusion that they’ve manifestly been making even more presentments on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis, as their doing so would be inconsistent with both Divine Will and their own True Nature, as well as more insubordination given that I’ve just made it clear, again, that it’s not appreciated. But they’re apparently eager for a reply from Me about it.

Apparently it’s something to the effect of, ’If we give ourselves up immediately, will You grant us indemnity?’

As violations of Divinely-conferred rights and transgressions against Divine Will are involved, that is beyond My authority to grant.

Additionally, ’immediately’ was approximately five years ago if My records are correct.

Purely for informational purposes, since they’d be overt jury trials by the People My best understanding is that the most it’s within My authority to provide would be to speak truthfully on their behalf concerning reasons for leniency. And that’s just within man’s system of laws, not metaphysical law.

Disappointingly, their manifest investments in such an effort appear to depict a continued prioritization of ‘ego’ [that is, a misconstruction and rejection of their True Nature] ahead of Divine Will. While they manifestly exhibit an ongoing Choice to reject Divine Will and their own True Nature, they seem to be offering Me only tangibles presented on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis. I think we’ve established already that that’s just textbook policy from the apostate system while it’s manifestly in its ‘apostate mode’. In other words, more permutations of an unworthy Choice to invest in a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis and get others to accept it.

Necessarily, presentments made knowingly, Willfully and avoidably on a basis which rejects Divine Will and their own True Nature inherently lack authenticity, sincerity, ‘good faith’, and so on. Or at least, come with no guarantee of them. I’m explaining that clearly and distinctly so that both I and they can know that they’re aware of that.

To the best of My knowledge I’m unable to knowingly, Willfully and avoidably accept presentments made knowingly, Willfully and avoidably on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis, as doing so just isn’t in My Nature.

I think that’s likely the best clarification that I can reasonably provide on the subject.

While I’m at it, I should probably make clear that the symbolic basis of My “house”, as with that of at least one of their franchises, does not genuinely recognize ‘inversion’ as a wholly valid symbolic format. Yes, we’ve occasionally presented it for the purposes of communication, but the more “core” concept has been that an ‘inverted’ mode doesn’t actually exist as such or have ultimate validity. And most certainly, implying an ‘inverted’ mode of symbolic presentation does not and cannot grant license for symbolism, imagery and behavior with are outside the standards of the “house”, let alone which would manifestly reject Divine Will or True Nature.

Since this is based on ultimate metaphysical truths, we tend to evaluate the symbolic communications of the various groups [or quasi-organizational franchises] in the “neighborhood” by that standard as well. Resultingly, what I’ve been manifestly encountering from the apostate system’s various non-overt displays recently has been intensified levels of rejection of Divine Will and their own True Nature, including blasphemies and grotesquery, etc., rationalized away under the auspices of an ‘inverted’ mode of non-overt speaking. That too has been manifestly contributing dissonance, and it’s only right that I should provide notice of it. ’A matter must be expressed to be resolved.’

Incidentally, on a more overt basis I’d been refraining from comment regarding a certain ‘architectural’ matter that’s been appearing unavoidably in recent events internationally. This was largely due to My having noticed that there appeared to be no transgression involved there against Divinely-conferred rights, nor against Divine Will. ’If the apostate system opts to take out some of ‘their’ holdings, without violating anyones’ rights, and particularly holdings which fraudulently present as representative of Divine Will, it’s presumably not My place to take exception. True, they more properly belong to the Divine Will which has made us all, and derivatively to Myself as its current manifest representative, but I happen to have no objection all else being equal to the removal of counter-Divine Will architectural feats which fraudulently present themselves as representative of Divine Will. And it’s not in keeping with My Divinely-conferred True Nature to complain and object to things unnecessarily; there have been so many instances where it’s been required, but I think I can actually manage to avoid it here.’

But apparently the portions of the feature which were manifestly affected were specifically those for which literal funds had already been sought for their renovation. If this is correct, the Jesuits have manifestly found a means of using ‘their’ illegitimately coopted reporting media to ‘fundraise’ via another international public fraud, while the apostate system for its part does seem to have been investing in efforts to use it, via ‘their’ social media pr█pagandists, to contribute to the narrative of ‘Christian-Islamic contention’ which is manifestly yet another part of their globalization strategy. I’m fairly confident that I’ve already talked to them about that, yet I’ve noticed some of ‘their’ personnel manifestly continuing to implement the narrative effort regardless. Encouragingly, ‘their’ more official [mis]reporting media have been precluding ‘Islam’ of all involvement there. So that’s something at least.

As ever, it’s always worth remembering [and reminding others] that the manifestly disappointing presentments, efforts, strategies, and investments by the apostates are not genuinely indicative nor representative of their Divinely-conferred True Nature. And since I’m reasonably sure they’re aware of that, that makes their manifest Choice for a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis knowing, Willful and avoidable. Since it’s therefore quite intentional on their part, I’m well aware that they can do much better than they’ve been demonstrating, and at “core”, sincerely desire to as well.

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