Re: “K█ngmaker”

This is in regard to the item recently addressed in which the apostate system appears to have intended to imply, ’What, don’t you think we’re being fair here?’ and I reiterated that no, they’ve been manifestly ‘blocking’ Divine Will and True Nature in this situation for years with their ‘assessment of Me’, but seemingly attempting to mitigate a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position by augmenting it with careful implementation of an existing proprietary ruleset and code of conduct. I’d stated as much at the onset, clearly and overtly, literal years ago via these communiqués. Nevertheless, I gave the apostate system the benefit of the doubt and mentioned that I couldn’t be sure whether it was inadvertent.

A ‘day’ later there was a quick blip in which they apparently intimated, ’Goodness, that has been quite inadvertent. We’ll correct that right away.’ That appears to have been quickly replaced by a number of counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature, non-overt intimations from the apostate system that the concern is all mere contrivance on My part in order to gain a PR advantage. That of course is “absurd”; I’d described their manifest error at the onset and protested against it. They manifestly Chose to continue it on a fiat basis; I did indeed notify them that it wasn’t right. It’s been a manifest Choice on their part to clash with Divine Will and True Nature during the resulting literal years long interim, and I think I’ve been rather ‘patient’ with them about it. But it remains of course a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position which is unworthy of any of us.

What they appear to be investing in implying, on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature, non-overt basis and using “c█w” inversion and the “temporal” symbolism of My “house”, is that they think they’re presenting yet another “d█al” to Me on a counter-Divine Will basis. To whit, ’We’ll technically uphold a valid position but not make that publicly evident. We’ll get the public to revile us, favor Your cause instead, they’ll glom onto your effort, you’ll have opted into our system for having Chosen a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis of complicity with our scheme, and the result will be a mock-resistance effort managed by yet another sellout to the apostate system.’

Firstly, it’s offensive to even present such a thing. It offends against Divine Will, True Nature, the basis of My “house” and practically everything for which I advocate. It’s unworthy of them to invest in even implying.

Next, the problem here is that the apostate system manifestly isn’t on a legitimate, Divine Will and True Nature-aligned basis. So to suppose that they ‘really are, but will obligingly present a pretense of behaving illegitimately’ comes off like an attempt to dodge the manifest facts.

Next, there is no legitimate purpose in manifesting the pretense of a faux-dualism between My Divine Will-aligned position and some alleged counter-Will within the apostate system. That is, there’s no legitimate reason they wouldn’t merely concede and yield to the legitimacy of My Divine Will-derived authority. Behaving on a premise that there is, or that there’s a logistical necessity for it, or a valid and legitimate use for strategies of public fraud, or that those self-identifying with the apostate system are just so caught up in expansionist agendas that they’ll concoct any pretense necessary to continue seeking to enact them, are all unworthy efforts made as the result of their manifestly Choosing a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis. And that is unworthy and illegitimate.

So what we’d evidently continue to manifestly have is them continuing to invest in the Choice for an illegitimate, counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis. While making every reasonable effort to appear fair by maintaining a very structured, proprietary ruleset, and making “off█rs” to gain the complicity of anyone who objects to it.

Excuse Me, but that would appear to be merely ’business as usual’ for the apostate system. It doesn’t meaningfully address My original cause of action, nor correct the manifest counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis upon which the apostate system is manifestly predicated.

Additionally, the “tw█n” scenario of essentially, ’We’re actually Divine Will-aligned, but we’re just presenting as though we’re not’ is well “foreign” to the standards of My “house”. That’s a comparatively trivial matter in terms of them apparently attempting to use the symbolism of My “house”, but it’s certainly relevant in terms of the apostate system implying that it’s somehow enacting My Will. It manifestly isn’t; it isn’t even upholding the basic standards of My “house”.

So in terms of that ‘fairness’ item that’s been addressed, has the apostate system yet conceded and yielded to My Divine Will-derived authority, or indeed to any Divine Will-derived authority? Manifestly not, given their mode of action [not to mention all the counter-Divine Will blasphemies and counter-True Nature multilayered stratagems in ‘their’ media emissions]. So the matter appears distinctly clear and rather plain, as well as manifestly unresolved.

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