Exposure: “Food”, “Fr█ends [of Rome]”, “w█sh”, “g█nie”, “in container”

As the exposure continues, so does My genuine ‘public education’ campaign for the general public describing the apostate system’s methods and symbolism for laymen.

Judeo-Christianity has long used the symbol of “food”, referring to healthy ‘teachings’ to for people to internalize and incorporate into themselves. These are usually concepts of Divine Will principles and moral values, but the symbol has occasionally been used to reference prophetic information as well.

The apostate system has its own use for the symbol, referencing their manifest strategy of proffering supposed ‘goodies’, bribery, money, considerations, benefits, privileges or other ‘favors’ on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis. When or if these are accepted, the recipient is considered [or at least implied] to have accepted a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis under the authority of the apostate system. Folklore, ‘myths’, ‘fairytales’, ‘legends’, etc. are replete with instances of people accepting such enticements, which is usually when their immensely unworthy circumstances begin. I don’t need to cite specific instances; there are plenty of them manifest, which is certainly expedient when it comes to exposing the strategy. In a modern non-overt context, such acceptance typically results in the apostate system ‘blackmailing’ the recipient over it, and thus typically ensuring complicity thereafter. The apostate system has also manifestly started using practically any substance that’s internalized as an extension of this symbol, with recreational substances and “medicines” used as symbols to reference more of the same. This has found much favor among their ‘faux-revolutionary’ franchise, and particularly with those who genuinely attempt to live on a ‘counterculture’ basis. And there is currently a ‘news’ item going on regarding “food aid” in ‘Venezuela’ via “Braz█l” [”where the nuts come from”, a symbolic reference to their “crazy” symbol in both its “magick” and ‘disrespect’ connotations]. In sum, it’s a mental expedient to consider the apostate system’s use of the “food” symbol as it attempting to regard someone or something outside itself as “food”; it depicts and effort by itself to internalize and incorporate some ‘other’ into itself. A debased system on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis which functionally regards everything outside itself as raw material to be processed, dissociated from Divine Will and True Nature, and internalized is something I think we can all do much better than.

The telepaths and propheciers appear to have used the “food” symbol in a somewhat more subtle form, referring to an effort to get someone to accept as true something which isn’t. Usually, something about themselves or ‘their’ organization. They’ve manifestly presented various spurious concepts or precepts, collectively acted upon them as though they were so, and thus misrepresented themselves. When or if the subject, encountering all this, infers that this is indeed so, or how their operation actually performs, they’ve then non-overtly implied that that is now, as a result of the subject’s ‘belief’, how they will indeed do things from there on out. ‘After all,’ they imply, ‘We’re loyal servants to you and certainly wouldn’t deign to defy your Will’. Essentially, it’s a ‘blame the victim’ sort of behavior which they’ve manifested simply because they’ve been manifestly functioning on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis ‘in the first place’. Doing so is not indeed their Nature or basis, which makes the vast majority of our manifest ‘history’ all the more pitiable for their having manifestly done so regardless.

Getting back to more standard usage of the “food” symbol, when someone has internalized whatever’s been on offer, they typically receive the status of “fri█nd”. The idea presumably being that the subject is now either genuinely complicit with their system in return for whatever it is, or is at least an unwilling accomplice through ‘blackmail’ or implied retribution, sometimes manifestly carried out. This appears to have started with the Roman Empire, in which small external communities would receive ‘military protection’ from the Empire and would then be termed ‘fri█nds of Rome’. This would typically result in the smaller community providing considerations to the Empire, perhaps voluntarily at first, including favorable terms or ‘tribute’. The trend of their complicity would then intensify from there: ‘Look, we’re not running the Empire as some kind of charitable organization; if you want something from us, we’re going to want support from you.’ And so it manifestly went, until of course it didn’t. Nevertheless the symbol “fri█nd” remains in common usage, particularly by the ‘organized crime’ and faux-revolutionary franchises.

Next, “w█sh” and ‘will’.

In terms of sovereign authority, we’re all familiar with the term, ‘will’. As in, ‘What is your will, Sire?’ A loyal enough term used by those under a sovereign authority. Eventually, the apostate system promulgated the substitution of their “w█sh” symbol in place of ‘will’. So what’s the difference? They’d certainly seem interchangeable enough.

A “w█sh” is a symbolic reference to “dj█nn” or “g█nies”. About five centuries or so after Jesus, the Babylonians [probably via Rome] established ‘Islam’, which among other things depicted a supposed non-corporeal race of “w█sh”-granting beings on a counter-Divine Will basis, with a modified version of the Judeo-Christian ‘adversary’ being as one of its leaders.

So you have a non-overt depiction of entities acting on a counter-Divine Will basis, proffering all sorts of things as benefits and considerations, but constantly trying to ‘get one over on’ whoever accepted them. Quite a manifestly accurate depiction of the apostate system while it’s behaving in counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature mode, as is Revelations’ unflattering but manifestly accurate depiction of the “wh█re of Babylon” proffering her “chalice” of “liquid”, connoting the “food” symbol again but on a non-overt basis due to the elemental symbolism of “liquid”.

If we’re going to examine “dj█nn” and “g█nies”, we should probably also consider ‘Goetic magick’, ‘Solomon’, and the “in container” symbol.

Manifestly at least, King Solomon was apparently subverted by the Babylonians, was a ‘magician’, and brought in temples to foreign idols in an effort to appease his foreign ‘w█ves’, who were likely how the infiltration and subversion there began. He also did quite a bit of ‘Solomonic magick’, ‘conjuring’ and ‘evoking’ various “spirits” in elaborate, carefully-arranged geometric “container” shapes, and ostensibly through the authority of the Creator induced them to provide him with various perks, bennies and favors.

That “container” symbol is interesting, because we encounter it with “dj█nn” and “g█nies” as well. It appears to derive from the apostate system’s typical strategy of doing things privately and ‘in seekrit’, like magickal rites “in caves” until they could be performed openly; that is, when they had eventually gained sufficient ‘acceptance’ to enable them to do so.

Interestingly, My experience with the telepaths and propheciers has long demonstrated that they’ve been using the “in container” symbol in a very subtly different way. Namely, to reference manifest efforts which are in disharmony with Divine Will, and as such inherently reject both Divine Will and the True State of Creation. ‘A microcosm of the ego’, you might say, ‘rejecting all else which doesn’t agree with it’. And so it also inherently suggests the metaphysical and spiritual onus of having manifestly invested oneself into such a position.

Getting back to Solomonic ‘magick’, the entities with which he Worked were not always benevolent, docile, sincere and compliant. Both overtly and non-overtly, this is quite in keeping with the behavior of those manifestly rejecting their True Nature and the Divine Will which gave it to them. All manner of untoward behavior was occasionally attempted to gain control over him: untruthful or misrepresentative responses, presentation of appearances meant to intimidate or seduce, disrespect and outright insubordination, and so on.

I can definitely sympathize with his situation.

The distinction between his and My own of course being that I’m only seeking to Work with others on a Divine Will and True Nature-aligned basis. Nevertheless, the unworthy responses I’ve manifestly encountered amount to the same regardless.

Solomon’s recommended response was for the practitioner to reiterate his Will clearly and firmly. To direct the entity to present in a better appearance, to behave more appropriately, and to remind them of his authority by virtue of his supposed alignment with Divine Will. If this didn’t suffice, he had the option of leaving the entity’s ‘sigil’ “in a container” and abandoning it. Or “crushing” its “container” while the ‘sigil’ was in it. Or by eradicating the physical symbol, which was reputed to do the same to the entity itself.

The manifest behavior of the apostate system has self-evidently been in systematic, knowing, Willful, and avoidable conflict against Divine Will, My Will, and the True Nature of all concerned. Exposure of their symbolism “crushes” that “container”; it’s up to them to decide whether or not they’ll Choose to remain “inside of it” when that happens.

The current situation, indeed the entire manifest basis of the apostate system, is effectively summed up by their use of the “w█sh” symbol. The apostate system manifestly exists only because of the investments of people in a Choice for something at the expense of Divine Will and their own True Nature. I know better than that Choice, and I think the general public ought to as well. And of course, ‘if you want something to be done right, do it on a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned basis’, so I’m telling them Myself and the general public who presumably want to ‘do the right thing’ to pass it along; however much the apostate system’s ‘organized crime’ franchise have promulgated the term “make it go v█ral” to refer to the use of their information-distribution capabilities on a counter-Divine Will basis as just another benefit, consideration and so on on a counter-Divine Will basis, that’s just not good enough here for reasons that I’ve made plain for years now.

That manifestly leaves the apostate system to explain to everyone why it’s been abjectly refusing to uphold Divine Will and to serve the ‘will’ of those who are. I’ve made the distinction very clear, and can thank the Maker that the ‘unenviable’ task of accounting for the manifest discrepancy falls to them.

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