A minor correction

Due to the ubiquity of the apostates’ manifestly continuing control of the infrastructure, I’ve noticed that the literal ‘State of the Union’ address I’d cited was literally from last year. Since I’ve largely discontinued My use of television it hadn’t been immediately apparent that this year’s version hasn’t been made publicly available yet. The similarity between the symbolism and non-overt strategies in use by the apostates now and a literal year ago is certainly marked, rather tellingly, and I’d noticed it elsewhere as well. Currently, the apostate system appears to be making quite an effort to emplace the word ‘savage’ conspicuously, while using symbolism intended to either neutralize it or imply an inversion via counter-Divine Will symbols, which is a practice well outside of the standards of My “house” but evidently routine within the apostate quasi-organizations.

The rest of My prior communiqué of course remains valid and in effect.

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