
Just a brief additional here.  The general nature of the apostates' non-overtly implied query [from manifest-yet-spurious franchises of the telepaths and propheciers, on a non-credible basis no less] is perhaps on the available evidence more likely to indicate this sort of concern: 'Does your "house" practice subversion, infiltration and usurpation on a non-overt basis?'

That would seem a more standard and thus likely concern given the non-overt situation as it would appear to the rank-and-file.  Particularly given the literal timing of their investment in all these non-overt apparent queries once they'd noticed that I hadn't completely precluded all non-overt forms of communication under all circumstances.

There were a few attempts during the 'training' process I'd mentioned, when I hadn't 'learned' that was a comparatively unworthy and generally ineffective strategy.  They were efforts against non-overtly presented organizations and supposed factions which I'd 'eventually' 'learned' were spurious, or at least spurious as presented to Me.  And they tended to result in 'forced circumstances' types of Choices which were less than wholly moral.  I found they were also ineffective even in merely a logistical sense; particularly given that all those apparent 'factions' and 'organizations' were merely franchises of the telepaths and propheciers, and such less than 'aboveboard' responses came to naught given their capabilities regardless.

So the general rule is that My "house" doesn't employ those kinds of strategies, and certainly not knowingly, Willfully and avoidably.  We hardly even like to use non-overt communications, and tend only to do so with close friends, romantic partners, etc., or where social or political situations have precluded overt methods.  "Light" functions best out in the open.

While I wouldn't summarily dismiss the potential to employ them under some very different circumstances which invalidated the 'knowingly, Willfully and avoidably' criteria, other than that I've mentioned with regard to the 'training' span we haven't yet, and I don't intend to.  I've described My strategy and the reasoning for it.  It's hardly in My interests to reduce that disparity between the manifest positions; I'm actively striving to increase it, until the position of the apostate system becomes internally unjustifiable and they and their franchises manifestly yield, or voluntarily enjoin My "house".

I've had a number of occasions to utilize less than 'aboveboard' means, and throughout have deliberately 'stayed My hand' regarding that.

Incidentally, other than the natural logistic nature of such an apparent query it does seem a little odd and hypocritical.  Rome, Babylon and their various franchises have manifestly, knowingly, Willfully and avoidably used and continued to use these less than 'aboveboard' means on their part as what appears standard practice, and as for the manifest position of the manifestly apostate telepaths and propheciers, it's probably kindest just to say, 'No comment'.

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