For whatever it’s worth, the apostates have been reemphasizing ‘their’ organized crime franchise on a non-overt level recently, for about a week or so. Their personnel who’ve non-overtly self-identified as the Jesuits, etc., have added another layer of non-overt symbolism to present the appearance of a renewed prevalence and influence of this franchise. Confidence in this is of course negligible, as it’s merely another apostate franchise and it’s all of course still on a non-overt, counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis regardless. The same personnel as usual, the same blasphemous and non-credible basis, no substantive difference whatsoever.
While it’s true that I’d had some amount of confidence in them in the literal past, this quite naturally diminished to nil as it became evident that they’re just another franchise of the apostates, operating on the same unworthy and less than sincere basis. As the general public continue to acquire a better understanding of the situation, their confidence in it will presumably drop to nil just as Mine has. Self-evidently, My effort remains quite distinct from theirs and on a greatly more substantive basis.
A few likely scenarios present themselves. The apostates have demonstrated a tendency to utilize the appearance of various supposedly independent franchises in their various manifest efforts for public manipulation and social engineering by fraud. We can probably expect the usual insincere efforts by this franchise to foment inorganic ‘anti-Establishment’ and ‘revolution’-like efforts which become merely another form of ‘regime change’ activities by and for the apostates. They’ve also been frequently used as a supposed anodyne against the efforts of the ‘Knights of Malta’ and the various social engineering efforts they promote. By using those franchises in supposed opposition to, but actually in collusion with, each other they’ve been manifestly able to accomplish much over the literal last few decades.
I suppose it’s also remotely possible that the apostates have implemented this as part of an effort to ‘undo’ their semi-recent ‘Knights of Malta’ franchise effort which I’d denounced as so objectionable, rather than simply divesting of the ‘Knights of Malta’ effort regardless of how curious that would seem to those who were unaware of the principal group. Instead, in continuing to invest in the ‘Knights of Malta’ effort and then investing in the organized crime effort as well, what they appear to have done is merely reiterate the same objectionable error yet again. And in the process, invest in new social engineering and manipulation efforts which seem to represent a continued agenda to establish globalism. All this while the matter of Divine Will alignment and the manifest disparity of authority between Myself and the apostates has not yet resulted in an acknowledgement by yielding on their part.
Suffice it to say that My position and that of My “house” remains totally organizationally distinct and separate from not only the apostate system and any franchise on their part, but also from anything on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis whatsoever. This necessarily means we’re distinct and separate from the sell-out Asian franchises, from the ‘Knights of Malta’, from their organized crime franchise, and if they're so unwise as to actually present them publicly, the ‘extraterrestrials’ public fraud they’ve been keeping in reserve as well.
That should keep the matter rather clear and distinct.
While they manifestly continue to reject Divine Will and True Nature, there's no 'there', there. It's all manifestly the same unworthy thing, usurping assets and claiming authority where to the best of My knowledge it has no legitimate claim to either. I'm open to correction on that matter, but while they continue to Choose a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature attempts to do so would be merely speaking non-credibly about things well beyond their scope and context. The scope and context of a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position is of course nowhere and nothing, regardless of the manifest scenario in which it has appeared to usurp more or less everything. A greatly unworthy and objectionable situation indeed.