On a counter-Divine Will basis, ‘the other guys’ appear to be implying as follows:
‘Satori, you and I understand Divine Will principles. Thus, whatever we’ve manifestly been doing you know where we’re really at. And what we really want. Though our methods may be indirect, our ultimate ambition is for the manifestation of Divine Will. Using a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis is simply a means to that end. See, look, we’re even throwing you all kinds of character tests to facilitate the recognition and understanding of the People about your Chosen Divine Will-aligned position, they can then Choose to defect to you, and in that we’re ultimately demonstrating a Divine Will-aligned agenda.’
The most effective untruths have an element of truth to them.
The People of course deserve clarity on that.
Their True Nature and true Will of course is for the manifestation of Divine Will. Manifestly having Chosen a counter-Divine Will basis however, they’ve [as I’ve said before] manifestly Chosen to jettison everything they truly desire in favor of a counter-Divine Will agenda which they do not. The inherent Divine Will alignment of everyones’ True Nature is mutually-exclusive with the manifest Choice to reject Divine Will and True Nature both, and cannot be used to accurately categorize every manifest thing as Divinely-aligned. Greatly to the contrary: What Is being mutually-exclusive with manifest “absurdities”, those “absurdities” had no justification for manifesting in the first place, nor the Choice to manifest them.
If they were manifestly Choosing a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned agenda, this would have become manifestly evident in their individual, collective and organizational positions, efforts, agendas and behavior. Instead, we have a manifest scenario which has encroached against Divine Will, True Nature, and the rights conferred by Divine Will for the majority of mankind’s recorded history. A distinctly less-than-worthy situation, the result of distinctly less-than-worthy Choices manifestly made by ‘the other guys’ including the telepaths and propheciers, all of whose worthiness of their Divinely-conferred True Nature was never in doubt. The worthiness of their manifest Choices and Chosen position, however… that’s another matter entirely, more’s the pity.
Their apparent manifest efforts to conflate those mutually-exclusive positions is, of course, not representative of their Divinely-conferred True Nature either. They’ve manifestly Chosen to 'roleplay' as something vastly less than worthy instead.
Educating and sorting the People out, including doing My integrous best to show them the inherent disparity between My manifestly Chosen position and that of ‘the other guys’, with the resulting PR revaluation which quite naturally results from the Peoples’ recognition of that, is not some boon or trinket offered by ‘the other guys’ from a counter-Divine Will position. It’s a formula which quite naturally exists inherent in the Divine Will principles alignment in the manifest situation, and it’s simultaneously a great effort, a duty and an honor on My part to Choose that care and stewardship for the People generally. But it wouldn’t have been necessary in the first place if ‘the other guys’ had manifestly been Choosing to uphold and live in alignment with both Divine Will and their own True Nature which results from it.
Authority and a superior manifest position have their advantages, but My preference would have been for a manifest scenario in which we simply had ‘Us’. All of ‘Us’, Myself, the People, ‘the other guys’, most certainly including the telepaths and propheciers, living in alignment with and understanding of Divine Will and our True Nature.
All of ‘Us’, as we Truly are.
A vastly superior life experience indeed. For all of ‘Us’. Constantly.
To the extent that the manifest Choices of ‘the other guys’ cause us to live in a ‘value-subtracted’ state of existence incalculably less worthy than that, I fail to ascribe that as any sort of a ‘benefit’.
To the extent to which that value has been manifestly removed by ‘the other guys’ as a result of their manifest counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature Choices and agendas, it rather demonstrates its absence as a wrongdoing… and as something greatly owing.
To Myself, to the People generally, to ‘the other guys’ themselves in the capacity of their True Nature.
And to the shared Creator which conferred our True Natures upon each of us.