Re: Another apparent attempt to exploit lack of clarity

Since Babylon and Rome are to the best of My knowledge franchises of a manifestly rogue assemblage of telepaths and propheciers, it will come as no surprise to them that I reject the recent counter-Divine Will basis they’ve been covertly implying and, by all appearances, attempting to sell Me.

The effort seems to involve deploying covert counter-Divine Will symbolism as has manifestly been their custom, but presenting it as though it were some kind of covert attempt to discuss and illustrate metaphysical concepts regarding a manifestly counter-Divine Will basis and those manifestly Choosing it. And then to use the lack of clarity of Chosen position as a means of less-than-direct covert intergroup maneuvering.

A few literal years back, I had indeed accepted the telepaths and propheciers in ‘good faith’ on such a basis; I’d stipulated that I’d only accept to Work with them if they’d retained a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned basis, and there certainly seemed to be no motivation for those familiar with Divine Will principles. To know them is to appreciate them is to love them. Later of course it became obvious that to accept personnel identifying themselves on such a basis manifestly enabled “absurd” positions to gain passive acceptance and manifest less than worthy results, and that improved standards were needed. That their Choice was “absurd” certainly ought to have precluded it, but that rationale is improperly used if it appears to rationalize terming “absurd” Choices acceptable on the basis that they certainly couldn’t be “absurd”.

If they were to assess My Choices on such grounds, it would have been appropriate of them to have taught Me that via their covert tutelage to begin with, to save us all literal time and effort. But then, even their covert tutelage was presented on a counter-Divine Will basis. Manifestly, they’ve systematically behaved on a counter-Divine Will basis for as long as I’m aware; they’ve simply relied on using extremely subtle and nuanced signaling of such a basis, in ways which were often ascribable to innocent human error, or which relied upon a context of implied disrespect which had not yet presented a reason to be considered applicable by the messages’ recipient, Myself.

In their current effort, it’s been greatly implied that acceptance on My part of such a counter-Divine Will basis would be somehow inferred even through a lack of response and rejection. It’s not exactly clear why that would be so - if indeed such covert implication on a counter-Divine Will basis were even credible, which of course cannot be assumed either. I’ve already stated what I want: sincere, complete, systematic commitment to a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned basis and the Willingness to prioritize that ahead of everything else. Counter-Divine Will ‘offers’ are mutually-exclusive with what I’ve already stated quite clearly I find acceptable, so they’re manifestly an affront as well as a waste of literal and symbolic “time”, and I hereby object and protest to even the implied attempt to ‘offer’ that to Me. To imply the necessity of a response clearly rejecting the covert equivalent of bogus ‘sales offers’ and ‘advertisements’ for things I’ve already clearly stated that I do not want presents itself as less than respectful as well as less than honorable.

It was implied that if I did not respond, the inference would be made that I’d tacitly accepted a counter-Divine Will basis of covert infiltration, and that I was utilizing their proffered approach in an effort to undermine them covertly. The logic there escapes Me; “Light” functions at its best overtly, and exposing the covert efforts and symbolism of ‘the other guys’ as I’ve already described ought to be orders of magnitude more effective, so its unclear what My supposed motive would have been to enact such a scenario there anyway. Such an implied accusation pending against Me would defy basic common sense but potentially enable strategic gains for ‘the other guys’’ agendas, which is a strategy they’ve manifestly demonstrated quite systematically.

The closest I’ve been able to parse from them on this is the presented argument that, ‘Clarity is a resultant of Divine Will; if someone is Divine Will-aligned, they’ll clarify. If they don’t, they’re manifestly not Divine Will-aligned.’

Such an interesting argument, given the manifest scenario. Presumably now that we’ve demonstrated My manifest position as Divine Will-aligned, and ‘the other guys’ as manifestly counter-Divine Will as evidenced by their systematic efforts to reduce clarity throughout the last umpteen centuries or so, we can bring this whole authority disparity to a rather neat conclusion.

In fairness they’ve provided clarity in some ways, while diminishing it in others. Covert admissions of Chosen basis, for example, or open covert public acknowledgment of their Divine Will-aligned ranking in comparison to other groups, they’ve done quite well at. Deeming ‘joy’ a sacred quality of Divine Will in the Middle Ages when they wanted to propagate their ‘jesters’, only to systematically undermine it now when it serves their manifest agenda by undercutting the quality of literal jokes, entertainment media and recreation in order to denote a Chosen counter-Divine Will position, that appears to be a rather blatant manifest default on what they’ve already admitted is an aspect of Divine Will. Another example would be to have ‘their’ personnel establish the overt ‘United States’ and in so doing acknowledge formally their recognition that unalienable rights are conferred upon us by our shared Creator, only to then systematically not only conspire to violate them but also to erode the recognition by the People of that fact. That’s manifestly an ongoing act in direct conflict with Divine Will and even the public’s ability to understand it.

Indeed, much of their manifest covert efforts for the majority of their existence appear to have been designed to be drastically less than clear, while they’ve used them to commit treason, subversion, conspiracy against rights, and so on. Their criteria for which particular situations clarity is required by them, and in which others they consider it merely optional, is a matter which I Myself am… less than clear on. But I’m left without a credible means to better ascertain this, given that they appear to manifestly continue to Choose a counter-Divine Will basis which inherently lacks credibility.

But then, the manifest continuance of the telepaths and propheciers to fill the international media with covert symbolic narratives of Babylonian Gnostic and Roman franchises, personnel lapsing in the standards of My “house” and a misprioritization to underemphasize the agendas of My “house” and My Divine Will-aligned authority are all pretty good manifest demonstrations of their ongoing Choice for a counter-Divine Will basis. Everything after that is just additional details.

Indeed, to literally wake up in this particular revision of history and My own life is a pretty clear indication of their manifestly rogue Choice. Monitoring the literal news for example is unnecessary except to scan the overt and covert evidence. Last I’d seen, ‘the other guys’ were still making strategic efforts to defraud the general public in the bogus fulfillment of the prophecies in the various major religions, both in an effort to legitimatize their globalization and in some cases to prevent the public from noticing the authentic interpretation of those prophecies. It seemed relevant to mention given that the matter at hand is clarity, and in particular clarity with regard to Divine Will.

I trust that 'the other guys' will rethink any 'guilt-by-nonresponse' efforts from here on, particularly in matters which have already been made quite clear, which I've already shown are disinteresting to Me, or which 'their' manifestly privacy-invading telepaths and propheciers already knew My Choice on and as such, required no response.  Their manifest Choice for a counter-Divine Will position wastes their time, but it doesn't entitle them to waste Mine.

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