I’m going to clarify a few unimportant recent matters that are in themselves unworthy of dignifying with a response, only because clarifying them enables us to get at something more important and fundamental.
Manifestly acting on a counter-Divine Will basis, ‘the other guys’ had presented a bit of what appears to be covert symbolism in standard usage by ‘their’ quasi-group. I explained that it was unnecessary, and had already explained to them quite clearly prior to this that acting on a counter-Divine Will basis was in contravention not only of Divine Will, but also My Will and their own True Nature. Their non-credible implied response appeared to be to suggest, while both I and they knew full well better, that I’d instead accepted such a scenario and as such, no longer retained My Divine Will-aligned position. It seems to Me that when all involved know an assertion is plainly inaccurate and lacking in sincerity, there’s no special need to refute it. They then appeared to compound this with various forms of covertly-implied unpleasantness contrived to suggest that its cause was a Choice on My part not to retain a Divine Will alignment. My preference would have been to refrain from comment, rather than unnecessarily direct attention to the literal embarrassment to themselves ‘the other guys’ have manifestly been compounding on the covert level via ‘their’ personnel, on an international basis. Via the media and international politics, for example.
But they do manifestly appear to be using this now as a convenient and supposedly juncture to implement more agendas and efforts which are mutually-exclusive with Divine Will and their own True Nature, not to mention with My Will which may be conveniently regarded as more or less synonymous with both of those. So for example the recent overt maneuvering regarding the ‘recognition’ of so-called ‘Israel’ and literal Jerusalem as its so-called capitol. This has apparently been in the works for ‘twenty-five’ years but former overt U.S. presidents have passed on it, waiting until now, the ‘seventieth’ anniversary of the illegitimate ‘founding’ of ‘Israel’, to establish the so-called ‘recognition’.
More interesting than the overt timing is the covert. Now? In the middle of the public acknowledgment of their manifest lack of supremacy due to the disparity of Divine Will alignment between Myself as an authority figure and the manifest authority structure of these quasi-groups? And in contravention against My Will? As they manifestly continue their efforts for globalization, the figurative folding up of ‘their’ counterfeit Judaism franchise like George Jetson’s briefcase car, and the counterfeit fulfillment of various religious prophecies as part of a long-term strategy?
Bear with Me, I’m not as upset as I may sound about this. Or at least not for the reasons I’ve just mentioned. Rather, I’m clarifying the situation by layers of inference so that we can return our focus to the core and principles of the matter.
There’s every reason here to infer that not only is what they’ve done recently not what they truly want per their True Nature, but also on a more manifest quasi-organizational basis. ‘We’re doing this,’ they seem to suggest, ‘but this isn’t our actual objective. In fact this is counter to it.’
Which would seem to imply that they’re exacerbating a manifest Problem, in order to generate a public Response, in order to sell the general public on a counterfeit ‘Solution’ they intend to provide which - coincidences never cease! - happens to be just exactly what they’d wanted to manifest all along. My research suggests that this sort of approach is manifestly standard, textbook procedure for ‘the other guys’, investing in the seeming opposite of their desired result in order to provoke public dissatisfaction with it and thus foment a public reaction in the desired manner. It’s termed ‘[something] Theory’, and I’ll refrain from naming the [something] due to a desire for clarity about My own position, as it would invoke a counter-Divine Will concept.
But here we’ve evaluated enough to get into more fundamental principles. You see, this very closely resembles a motif with which the telepaths and propheciers had directly familiarized Me with some while back. The notion of acts of Will by an authority figure being covertly misrepresented by otherwise loyal personnel. That is, these personnel would imply disloyalty and an active agenda to counter the Will of that authority figure. Their covert behavior would present itself in ways and patterns designed to be easily misinterpreted by the authority figure as contrary. But according to the tutorial implied to Me by the telepaths and propheciers, this was instead an act of loyalty by the personnel to the authority figure; it was supposedly designed and intended to cause the authority figure to learn to keep in mind and Will the Divine Will principle that there was, in truth, no actual counter-effort or Will towards disloyalty. This would assist in keeping the Will of the authority figure in alignment with the True Nature of Creation, and with Divine Will, and that - according to the tutorial narrative - was the only metaphysical means of ensuring an organizational authority which was secure because it was integrous, hale and in alignment with Divine Will.
Or at least, that’s the very best interpretation I could make of what was being covertly implied.
It fell apart upon careful evaluation through the application of Divine Will principles, of course. What you’d ended up having instead was a pretext in which disloyal behavior and lapses of standards were ‘supposed to’ be regarded as just as acceptable as loyal and noble behavior, at which point the nonexistence of the organization was just as acceptable as its existence. It’s true, when the Will of an authority figure is in alignment with Divine Will and their own True Nature, it’s hardly in alignment with anyone else’s True Nature to have a Will to act counter to it. In fact I’ve been relying on that rather unassuming fact, with regard to the telepaths and propheciers and the various quasi-organizations they’ve manifestly generated; after a while it becomes untenable to continue to justify a position of counterbehavior. But regarding this narrative, all it does is attempt to supply exactly that: a justification for ‘suckage’ which it’s not in any of our True Natures to actually desire… let alone is it in alignment with Divine Will.
Now consider that with regard to what I’d described above:
> ‘We’re doing this,’ they seem to suggest, ‘but this isn’t our actual objective. In fact this is counter to it.’
In the case of Divine Will, there is of course no Will to do something ‘counter to it’, and hardly any justification for so doing.
Just as, when covert symbolism is used, it cannot be ‘inverted’ without a qualitative loss on the part of the speaker doing so.
Necessarily then, when there’s a manifest deviation from Divine Will and True Nature, there’s a corresponding manifest value loss caused by the person or organization so doing. And as metaphysics clearly shows us, the acts of Will in which we invest ourselves primarily affect our own state of perceived existence, rather than that of another.
My figurative point here being that ‘[something] Theory’ regarding Divine Will is insufficient and unjustifiable. To invest in such approaches manifests a lapse of standards and a resulting manifest loss of value.
‘Yes, but is it effective though?’ The question is quite irrelevant. If it were a lapse in Divine Will standards and values, but it manifested a certain desired outcome, that would be a miscontextualization of what ‘desired outcome’ actually means, since our Will is derived from our True Nature, which is derived from Divine Will. The inherent error would appear to be a misperception of Will… or rather, as in this case, a manifest non-credible implication that ‘the other guys’ misperceive their True Will. They know it quite well, of course.
So that’s it, the core principle underlying the situation that I wanted to describe and clarify here. ‘There’s no reason for us to want an agenda which is counter to Divine Will, our own True Nature, and your True Will’, they seem to imply. If so, then yes, of course that’s true. I’ve only been telling them that for quite some while now, and showing them the metaphysical proof.
Since we can appreciate that it’s true, we can also recognize that any attempted justification or rationalization of any less worthy state of affairs - such as, just to pick some examples completely arbitrarily here, the manifest existence of quasi-organizations on a counter-Divine Will basis, a manifestly rogue assemblage of telepaths and propheciers, or for that matter an attempt to communicate using a covert messaging format - suddenly “fall to bits”.
Which should enable us to neatly avoid a lot of unnecessary efforts at covert communication on an implied, non-credible basis.
As I’d said, it’s always encouraging and worthwhile to give Divine Will principles our attention and due diligence.
This should enable Me to save quite a lot of literal time and share the understanding of Divine Will principles and the exposure of the methodology, and ultimately non-existence of these quasi-organizations, to the People.
Our Creator does indeed have an interesting and offbeat sense of humor: A counter-Establishment iconoclast and fervent adherent to Divine Will has a vital truth He finds He must expose to the People, and He finds that it’s the ultimate *non-*existence of the so-called ‘New World Order’.
Or more accurately, the explanation of Divine Will principles which preclude its existence. Nevertheless, I continue to find the apparent incongruity quite refreshing, and thought those reading this could share in that as well. A well-developed sense of the absurd is often such a boon to the soul in enduring these manifest less-than-worthy scenarios.