Re: ‘Grace’, supplemental

Due to ‘the other guys’’ manifest continued investment in a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position, the nature of their recent agenda appears to have become clear. ‘Language lessons’ in their covert symbolism, ostensibly to better equip Me to seek manifest justice in this matter, in return for acceptance of their manifest counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position… at which point, I’d be unable to achieve it.

This of course, I’ve been researching on My own. Backdated media is somewhat more reliable, at least inasmuch as it demonstrates covert symbolism as has been in use by them. We’ll leave aside for the moment the inherent non-credibility of anything that’s said from a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position; what they’ve been presenting recently does appear to be accurate enough in and of itself. Instead, the non-credibility appears to be in the form of some larger contexts: the counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position that’s manifestly been Chosen by the telepaths and propheciers to enact these globalist franchises whatsoever, and the manifestly apparent effort in advance to use the knowledge gained on My part as evidence of a sort of ‘buy-in’ to their [manifestly] counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position, knowing full well better themselves. This appears to have been covertly organized with the symbolism inherent in the ‘David Hogg’ narrative, which seems to express their effort quite well.

Self-evidently, I remain unable to accept ‘help and support’ on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis. Also self-evidently, anything on that basis ultimately does not qualify as ‘help and support’, and it’s manifestly a Choice in inherent conflict with their True Nature, and with Divine Will, to offer anything on that basis.

Less self-evidently, I’ve already been gleaning a comprehension of their covert symbolism from studying current and prior media which uses it, in combination with plenty of historical research of symbolism, organizations and historical context. I’ve also been gathering evidence of their various investments into efforts which manifestly encroach against rights, True Nature, Divine Will and so forth and will continue to do so, their various specific efforts notwithstanding. To do otherwise would be a dereliction of duty on My part, and for them to suggest that I must not do so would of course be an ‘obstruction of justice’. It’s probably a salient point to make here that ‘their’ media holdings appear to have been acquired through the use of literal blackmail, public fraud, subversion, crimes of conspiracy, and so forth, used in crimes of subversion and treason, and of course manifestly forfeit for reason of their Choice to jettison a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned position quite some while back. To even continue to encounter various efforts and agendas from quasi-organizations manifestly so Divine Will-insolvent is of course “absurd”.

Logistically, I don’t even need to gain a complete mastery of the covert symbolism of these quasi-organizations. Consider: I need only glean sufficient competence of it to demonstrate its long and ongoing usage to the general public. Once that has been accomplished, ‘conspiracy theory’ as a deflection argument will have been neutralized and the general public will find themselves able to collaborate to research the rest of it for themselves; current information technology will enable a phenomenon that military terminology refers to as ‘a force multiplier’. Once something happens to start exposing the covert symbolism and the manifest existence of these quasi-groups, human nature [’True Nature’] provides the rest of the figurative momentum and the scenario inevitably resolves itself with or without further input on My part. It’s just a matter of applying the collective True Nature of the general public to the covert scenario which has manifestly, thus far, been keeping it in abeyance. This is just remedial Divine Will principles in action. Figurative ‘potential energy’ converted into figurative ‘kinetic energy’, to use a physics analogy.

The manifest Choice by ‘the other guys’ [telepaths and propheciers included of course] to invest in a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position never had any reason to happen in the first place. Nevertheless, here we manifestly find ourselves until they or Someone Else manifestly corrects the temporal event sequence. Passive enabling is of course unacceptable in the meantime, so we’re left to manifest justice in accordance with Divine Will and common law principles, upholding rights in the process. But understand Me clearly here: it’s these manifest investments in counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature agendas, efforts and positions which are the ‘odd man out’, the aberrant manifestations. As such, it makes perfect sense to use their various manifest investments in various counter-Divine Will efforts, positions and agendas [such as through schemes of covert symbolism, for example] to manifest overt and legitimate justice.

So no, I don’t need to have a perfect comprehension of ‘their’ covert lingo for My effort to succeed. I need only retain My Choice to align with Divine Will principles and True Nature, which I find Myself to have been doing admirably, and My effort ought to succeed. Even if My specific effort did not [though it should], alignment with Divine Will and True Nature are the greater success regardless.

Ultimately of course, it’s just a matter of “saving time”. Consider: Because all counter-True Nature, counter-Divine Will positions are spurious and nobody genuinely wanted them in the first place, there isn’t a genuine ‘struggle of opposites’ here. Just like a ‘rigged sporting event’, the outcome is already known in advance. This is about upholding True Nature and Divine Will principles, with the directly tangible result that we improve quality of life drastically in the meantime by shortcutting through an unspecified quantity of literal and symbolic “time” and bypassing a collectively unworthy experience of global control by those manifestly on a basis which is mutually-exclusive with Divine Will and anyones’ True Nature, including their own. That’s the tangible reward here, and a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned position is the only thing that can provide that.

Indeed, it’s the only kind of position which Truly exists.

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