Re: ‘Another context’

This is My first reasonable opportunity recently to respond to what appears to be yet another offer from 'the other guys'.  In all honesty I'm not entirely sure what it is they've been seeking to present, though I've certainly been hearing them out.  I'll describe My best interpretation of what they seem to be presenting, evaluate that per Divine Will principles, and if My understanding of their presentation is less than complete we'll at least have a sense of what, if anything, remains to be clarified.

As near as I've been able to make out, they've been suggesting a very pleasant, seemingly Divine Will-aligned effort generally.  It appears to be using the plethora of counter-Divine Will symbolism and interpretations they've established as a sort of inversion symbol, enabling them to get at ostensibly Divine Will- and True Nature-relevant concepts and messages despite that now manifestly well-established plethora of counter-Divine Will symbolism and interpretations.  Sort of a shift of context.  And along with that, a perceived effort on their part to manifest a more harmonious basis for interaction between us.

It's certainly manifestly true that with all the counter-Divine Will imagery, symbolism and context that they've established it's now not an easy matter to avoid it entirely; this is a result that I've become personally familiar with in striving to do so Myself.

There are a few concerns here, though.  Throughout this manifest sequence of events taking up most of recorded human history 'their' quasi-organization has spread through deliberately engineering ambiguity between whether they're investing in a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned position, or whether they're investing in conflict with that.  As such, that manifest ambiguity or imprecision of language is certainly a concern.  Not because they'd truly want to reject Divine Will and their own True Nature of course, but the manifest scenario and thus context is that in which they have been, on a systematic and regular basis.

On a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis, what man's law terms 'good faith' is of course conspicuous by its absence, and that is a less than worthy situation for all of us.

And there of course is the concern that the use of symbols and imagery which now have a prevalent interpretation of indicating counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature concepts are regarded as an investment of Will by those using them towards counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature purposes.

If indeed 'the other guys' now manifestly, sincerely attempt to bring about a harmonious basis, recognizing, affirming, and upholding Divine Will and their own True Nature - as indeed we have every reason to suppose they would like to do - all involved find their options limited due to the now-prevalent connotations and interpretations they've propagated for some almost unavoidable, ubiquitous symbols.  A certain primary color for example now has this connotation, as do so many other things.

Manifestly, at least.

Which could provide a solution to this.  Consider: The current manifestation of most of human history, symbolic connotations included, appear to come as the result of the telepaths and propheciers to manifestly Choose a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis.  If they're now [finally, by our temporal means of reckoning] Choosing a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned basis, to the best of My knowledge they have it within their ability to retroactively revise the sequence of events.  That would certainly alleviate the unworthy, counter-Divine Will connotations of many of these symbols, as well as so many other and much more unworthy scenarios which have resulted throughout human history along with it.  They'd surely have every reason to want to Choose such revisions, in accordance with a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned Choice of position.  Indeed, per Divine Will there's no legitimate explanation for 'suckage', and so I've constantly been in a manifest state of incredulity for some great while now inasmuch as the temporal event sequence throughout human history would seem to indicate no such revision.  And thus what appears to be a consistent, ongoing Choice to act in continual rejection of, and conflict with, Divine Will and their own True Nature.

Indeed, even My own manifest firsthand experiences with them have predominantly demonstrated that sort of unworthy basis of 'suckage' indicating an "absurd" Choice to act in conflict with Divine Will and their own True Nature.  With occasional variations and 'glimpses' of their Divinely-aligned True Nature which I know is certainly there regardless.

And then there's the matter of agency of a quasi-organization that's manifestly 'in default'.  Such an emphasis from them on gaining My acceptance of whatever position they proffer on this occasion, or the next, or the next.  They surely understand My standards by now; a continually and clearly Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned position, which by definition consistently upholds rights, educates the People in Divine Will principles, and maintains organizational integrity from start to finish for having remained on such a basis.  The temporal event sequence as currently manifest does not afford them that last, surely.  It could of course be retroactively revised to do so, yet to the best of My understanding it has not been.  A curious scenario, certainly.

Manifestly absent an integrous, Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned positionality on the part of 'their' 'default' quasi-organization, it seems quite untoward to have them nevertheless acting on their own sense of agency, proposing this, attempting that, and covertly-coordinating all manner of public frauds, sophistry, and globalization efforts in the meanwhile, not to mention all the rights violations as the result of their various efforts.

It's a bit like the efforts of overt illegitimate courts to, acting on their own agency, make efforts and 'offers' to shift the venue of law in which cases are tried from a venue required by the established laws of their land, to some other more whimsical venue in which they'd be perceived as having more authority and discretion.  In many instances the newfound venue of supposed law is essentially completely arbitrary, and the use of it attempts to subvert the practice of the judicial aspect of government, which is of course subversion.  But more interestingly and relevantly, courts do not 'move' themselves, in the overt law sense of that word.  They're not intended to have their own sense of agency and agenda; they're there to fulfill the agendas of those who bring their cases to them, in accordance with law and Divinely-conferred rights.  So how curious it is to have court officials make nisi prius offers and use clever wording in attempts to shift the venue of law in which the case is tried.  Their sense of agency, just as the sense of agency of a quasi-organization which has manifestly defaulted on the Divine Will-alignment so necessary to retain valid authority, is by law supposed to be a non-issue and wholly absent.

Likewise, how curious to have a quasi-organization in such a manifest scenario make such investments of effort to present various 'offers' and efforts to 'haggle' with Me on the basis of their own sense of agency, already manifestly forfeit.  I've long since made clear to the telepaths and propheciers what basis, standards, Choices and positionalities I require, and I've certainly made that clear to 'the other guys' in these memoranda.

So each 'offer' and effort to 'haggle' has come as quite a non sequitor to Me, somewhat insouciant and insolent, and as such an indicator of a continued manifest Choice to reject both Divine Will and their own True Nature.

But perhaps there's simply a misunderstanding, or a few, involved here.  So on the off chance that they're indeed Choosing to align with, uphold and affirm a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned basis consistently and permanently, I seek to clarify the matter.  Matters must indeed be expressed to be resolved, sometimes even when telepaths and propheciers are concerned, and a resolved manifest scenario in alignment with Divine Will and True Nature is something I seek in 'good faith'.

Incidentally, I should probably confide a certain amount of concern I encounter whenever a person or organization seek to establish a permanent arrangement not solely limited to Divine Will and True Nature and which seeks to preclude My ability to opt out of it later.  This is quite simply because I have a duty to uphold Divine Will and My own True Nature, and if something is, or manifestly becomes, in My estimation in conflict with those it becomes My duty to refuse it.  Surely that's fair enough, and readily understandable.

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