Detail, and a few more items

I've reaffirmed that the standard is alignment with, and upholding of, Divine Will and True Nature.  The various manifest approaches of 'the other guys' are therefore not up to standard.  Alright, but let's get into more specifics about why they're unacceptable.

Alignment with Divine Will is vital to in order to have 'good faith'.  It's also a prerequisite for alignment with True Nature.  With a manifest position which lacks that, people and organizations could take essentially any position, or make any talking point or assertion, and it would have absolutely nothing to do with something valid, integrous, worthwhile or true and yet our circumstances would be dictated by such a position.  It might be somewhat benevolent.  It might not.  It might prevaricate between those.  It's all arbitrary; it's rejected all constants.  And with it, value.

Hence, 'Seek ye first, the Kingdom of Heaven'.  Without that as a basis, the manifest value has gone missing.  That's a scenario which is unworthy of any of us, and all of us.

Some things may be desirable, but if they come as part of accepting a position which deliberately rejects a basis of Divine Will and True Nature they're just an attempt at 'bargaining' or haggling with someone to accept a counter-Divine Will position.  And it's nobody's True Nature to deliberately, systematically present such offers.  Investing in an effort to present such offers is a demonstration of a manifest Choice to reject both Divine Will and True Nature, which is neither ultimately helping anyone nor as here when the intended victim is knowledgeable of Divine Will principles does it endear them to the intended victim or bring them any closer to accepting their manifestly invalid, unworthy, less-than-sincere position.

'Love [indemnifies against or mitigates] a multitude of sins'.  Indeed it does.  'Against love, there is no law', say the Scriptures.  Correct.  Genuine 'love' is provided by Divine Will, which imbues our True Nature with it.  A manifest position which rejects those rejects an alignment with genuine 'love', so not only is that position manifestly not indemnified, it's also manifestly just left with the sins.  Or in a more directly tangible sense, the various crimes.

With that clarification in mind, it should be self-evident why the latest attempt by 'the other guys' to woo Me with 'their' personnel enacting an agenda of insincere 'revolutionaries' while still manifestly rejecting Divine Will and their own True Nature isn't compelling.  It isn't even a substantive permutation of the same basic formula.  It's an investment of effort, Will, time and resources into rejecting Divine Will- and True Nature-alignment, though I've made certain they understand well enough not to make this error unintentionally.

That's a manifest, systematic, concerted effort to reject Divine Will, and their own True Nature as well.  That hardly indemnifies their manifest position nor confers manifest legitimacy to it.

Next, what appear to be plans to imply to Me how "angry" they are with My efforts to uphold justice and assert rights amidst their manifest Choices to encroach against both of those.  So-called 'I Statements' about what they think and feel are as non-credible and unreliable as any of the rest of it while they continue to act upon a basis which has rejected Divine Will and their own True Nature both.  I literally cannot rely on what they [or even the telepaths and propheciers] state as their position on such a noncredible basis.  And neither should the People - if they but knew enough to do likewise, they'd divest wholesale from the basis and insist on a Divine Will, True Nature standard.  And what a boon that would bestow upon them.  So while I can't rely on non-credible statements of their position, their thoughts, their feelings, due to their manifest Choice for a non-credible position, I'm left perforce to rely instead on their True Nature as conferred to them by Divine Will.  If and where their response is manifestly incongruous with that, that incongruity is the result of their own manifest Choice and hardly recommends their manifest position.

That manifest position is roughly analogous to what the Vatican seems to mean [at least on its code level] when it covertly references "ghosts", that is, the aberrant manifestations of bygone organizations which haven't Chosen "life".  The True Nature of those involved, of course, is still "alive"; that symbolic "life" force is conferred to us by Divine Will through our True Nature.  But manifestly, their Choice has evidently been to reject it.

All this would of course become much easier were they simply to Choose Divine Will- and True Nature- alignment.  I again encourage them to do just that.

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