Using Divine Will principles to dispel another “rerun”

Getting enough instances of something to notice a by now familiar covert pattern invested in by the telepaths and propheciers, manifestly recurring again. It's all done using an invalidating miasma of counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature imagery and symbolism meaning it's non-credible from the start, but I'd like to do My duty by describing it and then collapsing it by correlating it against Divine Will and True Nature because that's more effective and potentially more assistive to others.

The covert pattern being manifestly invested in - and it's the investment in counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature agendas which is mutually exclusive and usually in conflict with manifesting the True State of Creation, which makes it wrong - is even more subtle than most of the usual covert implications used. An odd phrase or use of symbolism here and there, few and far between, and the eventual result has a cumulative effect as intepreted together they describe a pattern, a context, a mindset, a new way of thinking. If it's not rejected by the recipient for sheer "absurdity", of course.

In this way, an implied logical fallacy has been covertly presented; it's a "rerun" to Me, but might be rather new to others. I'll attempt to describe it.

As I've mentioned, the telepaths and propheciers used to present all manner of implied covert groups to Me. New covert contexts of symbolism would appear omnipresently; in the news media, in use by most or all of the people around Me, everywhere. People would behave quite "absurdly" and often increasingly unpleasantly. Many of these covertly-implied-but-manifestly-unreal covert organizations, their existence implied by all the covert behavior and symbolic context, would last a few weeks to a month or two, and then when I'd deduced, evaluated, and applied Divine Will principles to the scenario enough to no longer find them credible the symbolic context would be abandoned; often to be replaced with yet another spurious covertly-implied group with a new and disturbing implied origin description and agenda.

As stated, it's been the manifest Choice of the telepaths and propheciers to adopt a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position which has been the basis for all the manifest problems. The resulting investments of Will into manifesting various errant and unwholesome covert groups have merely been just that, resultants of that Choice. Of course with all the various narratives fluctuating so rapidly there was neither the ability nor anything to be gained through overtly exposing a supposed covert group that had lasted only a few weeks and evaporated without a trace. But with 'the other guys', the investment of the telepaths and propheciers into manifesting a cryptocracy of Babylonian Gnosticism and 'its' various franchises as the villains they'd done something they hadn't done before; they'd invested in manifesting the same unwholesome quasi-organization internationally, and over a few millenia in this revision of the temporal event sequence. Which makes overt exposure a tenable prospect for once.

So, about this particular "rerun". The pattern had usually been, to gradually increase the amount of covert and even overt manifest 'suckage', ostensibly at the behest of these various ephemeral covert groups. And then the "rerun" as implied covertly by the telepaths and propheciers could go either of a couple of ways. In the first instance, they would imply covertly, to paraphrase, 'Now you've done it, Satori. We weren't serious, but now that -you- actually believe in this covert group, as loyal implementors of your Will we're now going to blithely manifest this quasi-organization /simply because you believe in its existence./ You should really learn to be more selective with your applications of Will; we're only humble servants intensifying what you believe in, so make sure you check your beliefs against Divine Will for all our sakes.'

The second variation can be paraphrased as follows: 'Satori, you've erred because you didn't correlate the manifest scenario against Divine Will and thus see that there was of course no reality to any of this, because it would mean we've been acting in conflict with Divine Will and our own True Natures, and of course we'd have no reason to do that. Additionally, you should know by now that Divine Will precludes 'suckage' and there's never any meaningful nor credible reason for it, no matter how real or tangible it may seem. And because you erred because you accepted something unreal as a result of not adhering to Divine Will principles and correlating against them, and since we've got you unstuck by resupplying you with correctional information, you're now in our debt as a result.' Or sometimes it would finish, 'you've now demonstrated that we're going to have to go through more of this training process again, because you're obviously not ready for primetime yet.'

To help explain the fallacy, I'll provide a valid overt parallel: so-called 'nisi prius' courts. Here's an intro brief on those.

The spurious legal model is that although you have the right to a fair trial in a court with certain qualifications and a venue with certain parameters, the agents of the court have instead sought to hold your case in a different, easier [for them], less stringent type of court with less exacting standards, vastly more authority, and a venue of law so bogus, whimsical and arbitrary that the officials essentially make it up on the spot just so long as it appears credible to the peasants. 'Nisi prius' means 'first unless', and the outlandish legal model is that you're presumed to have agreed to all this unless you object first before the fanciful court proceedings commence; once they have, you're deemed stuck with it and it's now too late to object.

There are obviously a few fallacies with that which make obvious parallels with the covert fallacy. For starters, although the court attendee has 'the unlimited ability to [establish] contract[s]', the paid public servants in the form of the judge or magistrate do not. The law has already established the parameters and requirements of the form of courts we're supposed to have, the due process of law we're supposed to uphold, and the venues of law which are required in this country. For officials to shift these things they would need to have the authority to do so, which derives from Divine Will by way of the People, and of course these officials were never given that authority, they merely usurped it. Next, attempting to swap out a valid and required form of law and due process for something else would of course be subversion and treason. Next, on a comparatively more minor matter these officials have a performance contract whereby they accept payment in order to provide certain very specific kinds of services, in very specific venues of law with very specific procedures of due process. To accept that payment and not provide those services is of course embezzlement. And lastly and more finally, the greater scope of the fallacy collapses when we realize that the spurious legal model being used in this 'nisi prius' approach has no validity in law but instead succeeds only by its adoption by officials throughout the court system; that is, its only authority is the sheer presence and number of people behaving as if it had that authority. That's essentially the same error as the 'zealotry' I'd detailed previously, and it does for professional credibility what hyperinflation does for currency.

With that in mind, back to the implied scenario. As it's not in harmony with Divine Will to have 'suckage', these 'humble servants' most assuredly shouldn't be Willfully, deliberately, systematically, routinely and avoidably manifesting it, and any Divine Will-consistent system certainly wouldn't have some kind of a 'gotcha' provision in place which sudddenly makes it acceptable to do. It's also inconsistent with anyones' True Nature to begin covertly implying things that don't truly exist in the first place, regardless of whether or not anyone finds them credible in the second. Third and fourth, no-win scenarios aren't anyones' True Nature, nor are 'blame the victim' approaches. Fifth, the manifest credibility of the telepaths and propheciers is still conspicuous by its absence, as demonstrated by a temporal event sequence in which their investments into counter-Divine Will positions, scenarios and agendas continues to proliferate.

To clarify, 'no-win' in this instance refers to manifesting scenarios which 'suck' if left unattended, but in which the 'suckage' is used in an effort to preclude it from being addressed and resolved. Likewise, communication requires a shared context and I have no means of ascertaining with any certainty who has or lacks telepathic or prophetic abilities unless they make that known to Me. As such, while I know these quasi-organizations to be ultimately unreal I still have to make sense to people who do not. And of course, while we know that great swaths of the 'suckage' manifested throughout this revision of human history are not ultimately real we're nevertheless fleetingly left to encounter them and often must discuss or acknowledge them of necessity; 'an act done by Me against My Will is not My act'.

But perhaps more relevantly, 'The accountability for the results of a Choice properly ascribe to him that made it'.

So there we have it, a covertly-implied metaphysical fallacy that collapses in several ways as soon as Divine Will principles and our True Nature are brought to bear upon it. Incidentally, it's also not in anyones' True Nature let alone Divine Will for them to Choose to defy both while handing out various fallacies of negligible structural integrity. Consequently, there's not a single valid reason why I should manifestly have to encounter them.

Indeed, there's not a valid reason why the telepaths and propheciers et. al aren't upholding Divine Will and their own True Nature on their own already, and retroactively.  Consequently, their manifestly invalid and non-credible basis leaves them without much of anything to say... or worthwhile to do for that matter, save restore their manifest alignment with Divine Will and their own True Nature.

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