Re: ‘Format change’

What a refreshingly convivial tone the media have been presenting, I notice.  At least earlier on, that is.

The effort appears to be an attempt to sell acceptance of counter-Divine Will imagery and symbolism, and the ongoing rejection of their True Nature.  It's My duty to require a Divine Will basis, and a basis absent True Nature is a basis which lacks all meaning required for meaningful interaction.  It's only especially useful as evidence of investments of Will into counter-Divine Will and counter-True Nature agendas.

I've noticed also various efforts to imply superficial respect with deeper disrespect, which again is counter to their own True Nature.

And we'd appear to have a newly-permutated form of 'the other guys'' effort to push for a globalization effort under the mastery of a pseudo-organization which has emplaced itself by means of a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position.  The only apparent difference seems to be that they make efforts to imply that it's done under My direction and approval.

I've also noticed their apparent investments of Will and other resources to imply, through application of counter-Divine Will imagery and symbolism as a sort of legal disclaimer, that My Chosen position is unclear or uncertain, with the apparent notion that by making this unclear to the People they might be able to undermine public confidence and support.  Not only is this unfeasible, given that the telepaths and propheciers are well aware of My Chosen position, but investments in counter-Divine Will agendas quite naturally beget resultants like the sort of undesirable PR to which I'd alerted 'the other guys' already.

Investing in agendas which are counter to Divine Will and their own True Nature, such as they manifestly continue to do as their own 'newscasts' and other media demonstrate, are still affecting their PR.  While the concept may or may not be new to the rank-and-file personnel, it's hardly a new phenomenon and the manifest effect has been ongoing.

In much of it that manifest investment has been through the use of counter-Divine Will symbolism and imagery, which has presumably mitigated the PR effects to some extent.  Where actual detriment manifestly occurs, manifesting the violations of rights and quality of life, those symbolic invalidators or disclaimers are hardly sufficient of course.

But then, we still manifestly have 'the other guys' behaving on the basis of a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature position for which there was never any sincere, genuine nor legitimate reason to do so in the first place.  The efforts I've referenced all appear to have been investments made on such a basis.  So for example the presenting appearance of offering Me an agreement where I get part of what I supposedly want, and 'the other guys' get what they've never truly wanted simply on another permutation or 're-form' of the same old agenda doesn't actually work.  And I care too much about what everybody, 'the other guys' included, truly want to accept it even if it somehow weren't in conflict with Divine Will as well.

So we manifestly have a whole lot of spurious covert 'talking points' apropos of nothing, being presented on a counter-Divine Will basis, and the scenario appears the same dysfunctional thing it's manifestly always been.  Perhaps due to My own benevolent advisory, 'the other guys' may or may not have opted not to cancel or delay a few efforts that nobody truly wanted and in that, many literal lives may have been able to continue, the property of rights of many others not encroached against by 'the other guys', and resulting PR effects were not experienced by 'the other guys'.  They manifestly continue investing in other aspects of that agenda, including what appears to be global domination on a counter- Divine Will basis.  It's not apparent to Me how exactly this is an improvement, other than a rapidly diminishing convivial tone depicted.

Such a position could be aptly summarized as, 'flipping irrelevancy'.

Given the amount of sophisticated covert symbolic and linguistic acrobatics those in the media and politics have been put through in order to implement it, it just seemed kindest for Me to mention that it's quite ineffective.

A Divine Will-aligned basis affirming their True Nature would, as ever, be thoroughly effective.  It seems odd to have a pseudo-organization... well, at all I suppose, but particularly to have a pseudo-organization ostensibly based on seeking 'agreement' but consistently rejecting the very thing necessary to enable that.  Their behavior has manifestly been the Choice to adopt a position of Choosing the pseudo-organization and rejecting Divine Will in the process... which they themselves know is an invalid and voided position.  They know it's a concession on their part, yet they manifestly haven't conceded it yet.  That kind of rejection of Divine Will and their own True Nature can only have, I'm sure the reader has guessed it by now, the quite natural PR resultants I'd advised on before.

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