
Have not had either literal or symbolic "time" [My "house"'s context] recently to publish these responses and clarifications, as I'm living on a literal farm with adorable critters and quality relationships. It's encouraging and refreshing to find that the results of good Choices will out, per Divine Will, with or without the active support of an international confluence of telepaths and propheciers functioning properly in a good, healthy, righteous and sincere manner. In My off moments I have a Wiki to put together to expose the various manifest layers of symbolism being used, as part of a Divinely Loving Choice to provide 'due notice' to the People and ensure they're equipped and enabled to divest collectively of "absurd" investments of their effort and resources in something manifest and unworthy that should not exist, and instead invest themselves in Divine Will and justice. My current approach will be to make accessible to them in plain language the same Divine Will principles I've shared here for years so they - and anyone else such as manifestly errant personnel - can invest in worthier things such as Divine Will, True Nature, rights, law and justice. I think I have found a way to provide clarification on certain 'iffy' symbolism while still retaining healthy standards of behavior and language, building upon the same quotation mark system I've been using here. In man's law square brackets, to whit '[' and ']', indicate that something is being included 'for informational purposes only', and with the additional effort of redacting a letter in a word, say a vowel or so, with another symbol, should enable Me to get the concept to the People while still clearly demonstrating My Chosen position.

My recent active schedule comes at just the right juncture, thank our shared Maker. I've clarified just about everything important and relevant I can through this method, and the manifestly incalcitrant position of the telepaths and propheciers and those comprising 'their' various whimsical franchises on similar counter-Divine Will positions has left Me to instead address this case to the People directly. Direct correction by the telepaths and propheciers is of course eagerly and continually anticipated, but while that manifestly remains uncorrected it would be "absurd" of Me not to dispel this unworthy scenario using other methods, just as it would be "absurd" of Me to passively enable ongoing collective investment into the scenario through My own inaction.

I couldn't help but notice implications and intimations from 'the other guys' recently to the effect of professing concerns that I may have lapsed in My standards of behavior or speech where symbolism is concerned, and does that indicate a "new" position Chosen on My part? And like implications of an eager intent on their part to misapply the least bit of lapsed standards of symbolism when I publish the wiki to presume that whatever it is I present, in presenting it I therefore have authorized and condoned the blatant useage of unworthy imagery and symbolism in rampantly common practice, everywhere, on any pretext, etc.. It was also abundantly evident to Me that these implied messages come accompanied by a sheaf of anti-Divine Will symbolism from them now multiple layers deep. And quite naturally so. 'The other guys' have demonstrated that they've been Working under and with the manifest collaboration of the telepaths and propheciers, and thus mere common sense demonstrates that they not only have no sincere inquiries regarding My Chosen position - which is of course known at all times by the T&P - they likewise have access to My approach regarding standards and various rules for symbolic usage. But while they're manifestly Choosing their counter-Divine Will basis, their tendency has been to present all manner of knowingly spurious 'talking points' and unworthy agendas which will waste anyones' literal and symbolic "time" [My "house"'s context] if only they'll allow it to. Per Divine Will the People deserve better, just as I do.

So this clarification is being presented for the benefit of the People rather than for 'the other guys' who either already knew or should have. Not that I think the People themselves are likely being prevalently denied the access to the information of the telepaths and propheciers either; My personal experience has been that there's a much greater incidence of T&P-capable individuals among the People than I'd been given to suspect, and that a great many individuals have manifestly been presenting as lacking those capabilities when they in fact have them. The T&P certainly found it an easy enough matter to hype various outlandish scenarios to Me simply by using certain symbolic patterns among the people who happened to be around me in public whenever they had opted to do so. However I am still without an objective means of assessing what proportion of the People lack the capabilities of the T&P and thus the understanding of Divine Will principles and so on that it would afford them. So, making sure they have this by presenting it to them Myself is just recognizing and upholding the common law principle of providing 'due notice' to them, which derives from the fairness emanating from Divine Will principles. It's not reasonable to expect or demand things of people, such as proper behavior, if they have no means of knowing what it is. I suspect, but cannot totally prove, that they already have it, therefore it's only right of Me to provide it - then I can establish that they have do indeed have it.

Through their use of counter-Divine Will symbolism to describe their manifest position, and our shared context of understood Divine Will principles, the T&P have demonstrated their position to not only be insincere but a thing which, although currently manifest, cannot be allowed [and would have no merit for anyone to truly want it to even if it could]. That's the crux of the matter, and all the various layers of purported franchise organizations 'the other guys' have derive from that "absurdity" and then only manifestly compound that "absurdity" in some way or another. As such, I encounter an unavoidable disbelief and lack of credulity with regard to these, as I've described before, increasingly hypothetical franchises. I can take neither they nor the T&P seriously while they've adopted such an "absurd" position, and with good reason just as the 'implying queries they already knew the answers to' back-and-forth I've just described amply demonstrates. [And with that, the not acting in accordance with their own True Nature, inherent in both seeking new pretexts and justifications to behave increasingly at odds with Divine Will, not to mention apparent efforts to contrive new ways to misinterpret Me wherever feasible.  Per Divine Will, that's not truly the kind of people these people are, so it gets tedious encountering that sort of behavior when you know that quite well already.  There's every reason to expect the T&P, etc. to demonstrate their kindly, benevolent, sincere, well-intentioned True Nature instead and when that's manifestly not what I encounter, that's the "theft" [Knights of Malta context] of value and quality of life when I'm deprived of their most worthy True Nature.]  And in truth, it's the True Nature of everyone without exception not to want the manifestly counter-Divine Will basis of 'the other guys' and the T&P. It's built into our True Nature to want Divine Will, the True State of Creation, rights, principles, law, our True Nature, and a manifest scenario that's actually worthy of us. So it's only a matter of applying their True Nature to exert itself effectively upon the manifest situation, making sure it's equipped, and then getting out of the way.

Not that even that is strictly 'necessary' to 'dispel' an 'errant scenario'. Remember that this 'errant scenario' manifested only as an act of Will counter to what everyone wanted in the first place, and that of course is "absurd". As such, acting upon the situation is not technically a prerequisite for resolving it because it's already precluded by Divine Will and our True Natures. It's not a matter of 'If you do this, the scenario can happen and if you don't, it cannot' precisely because the True State of Creation is a fixed constant. I could do absolutely nothing about this for the rest of My life and it would still collapse anyway. But 'doing absolutely nothing' to invest Myself into providing a worthy manifest situation for Myself and the People would not be a Choice which is worthy of My True Nature, and certainly not in alignment with Divine Will principles. Thus, the Divine Will equivalent of what's normally termed 'civic duty', and My desire for righteousness, justice and Divine Love prompts Me to do My utmost. Not because it's results-oriented, but rather because acting in alignment to recognize, uphold and to affirm Divine Will principles is just the only healthy way to exist, and is the only investment of Will that begets worthwhile manifest resultants.

I suppose that's the meaning of life.

It's quite basic actually. The ongoing apparent refusal of 'the other guys' to acknowledge that is just another demonstration that they're manifestly not presenting their own True Nature as they know it to be. Just as the T&P manifestly haven't been.

So, we expose and use the symbolism 'the other guys' have been using and apply the law including treason and conspiracy laws and use them to uphold Divine Will and True Nature. I believe the Christian imagery used is the gardening concept of 'to prune away useless suckers' - not that the individuals are 'useless suckers', but rather their manifest counter-Divine Will Choices of course are, and while they Choose not to divest of those Choices society must necessarily divest of them because that's the only way it can work. That's freedom: With the ability to Choose comes the accountability for those Choices. Without that, there could be no fairness nor justice. And arguments for such a scenario would be "absurd" arguments for "suckage"... which we've already demonstrated is precluded by Divine Will. So by definition, we cannot have that.

Incidentally, if the T&P, 'the other guys', and the People predominantly already know all this stuff, why bother publishing it? Partly to provide 'due notice' out of fairness, but also to bring the covertly-implied scenario back into realignment with the context of Divine Will principles - the only context which makes any sense. It keeps the situation more coherent, and that will presumably become important when a literal jury has to review this situation at some juncture. And as I've presented, addressing this scenario to correct it in law is prompted by Divine Will and, counter intuitively enough, the Divine Love which comes along with it. [It's not easy to grasp the concept of justice motivated by love, I suppose unless you consider the unworthy scenarios manifested when that Divine Love is not acted upon.] Ultimately, My principal motivation is Divine Will, My own True Nature, and the Love which results. Just as it has predominantly been throughout. The foundation is a constant, when you're doing things right.

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